Category Archives: Uncategorized

Stevia vs White Sugar

Stevia Zero calories – Steviareally does contain no calories, despite being tremendously sweet. Doesn’t Promote Cavities – Steviais not fermentable sugars and more closely resemble proteins. Without sugar, any bacteria that’s present in the toothor gums cannot produce the acid that harms teeth. Balances Blood Sugar – Studies done in Brazil have shown Steviato lower blood sugarand blood pressure. Lowers your blood pressure – Taking steviaalong with medications used […]

Benefits of Stevia

Weight Management and Aids Special Group of People  Stevia is a plant-based and zero calorie natural sweetener which is highly recommended to make a balanced diet so that sugar intake would get diminished without leaving sweets or sweet foods. Main causes of being overweight and obese include factors such as prolonged sitting, physical inactivity with […]