Stevia vs White Sugar


  1. Zero calories – Steviareally does contain no calories, despite being tremendously sweet.
  2. Doesn’t Promote Cavities – Steviais not fermentable sugars and more closely resemble proteins. Without sugar, any bacteria that’s present in the toothor gums cannot produce the acid that harms teeth.
  3. Balances Blood Sugar – Studies done in Brazil have shown Steviato lower blood sugarand blood pressure.
  4. Lowers your blood pressure – Taking steviaalong with medications used for loweringhigh blood pressure might cause your blood pressure to go too low.
  5. Starves yeast – antibacterial – Avoiding sugar consumption and taking stevia on daily basis starves candida and yeast.


White Sugar

  1. Makes You Fat – Excess consumption can leadto a greater accumulation of fat which can make you Obese.
  2. Rots Your Teeth – Certain harmful oral bacteria actually feed on the sugarsyou eat to create acids that destroy the tooth enamel, which is the shiny, protective outer layer ofthe tooth.
  3. Contributes to Heart Disease Risk – Over time, this can leadto a greater accumulation of fat, which may turn into fatty liver disease, a contributor to diabetes, which raises your risk for heart disease. Consuming too much added sugarcan raise blood pressure and increase chronic inflammation.
  4. Contributes to Diabetes Risk Factors  – Type 2 diabetes is linked to high levels of sugar in the blood, it may seem logical to assume that eating too much sugar is the cause of the disease.
  5. Feeds Yeast and Candida – A diet rich in sugarworks to depress your immune system, leaving it vulnerable and allowing the Candida yeast to proliferate.

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